Phone: (512) 371-1217
Organizational Effort
Updated On: Jun 07, 2024

Industry professionals may also achieve membership through organizational effort.  Local 205 is committed to providing the legal protections that a union contract furnishes any technicians or artisan that requests it.  You and your co-workers must be willing to stand together in union and have a passion for the fairness and equity that comes with a union agreement in your workplace.  If you are ready to secure a better life for you, your family and your co-workers, please contact a Local 205 Organizer today.

Find Out What a Union Contract Could Do For You

Talk to an Organizer at 512-371-1217 ext. 205 or by e-mail.

We will respond as quickly as possible. And of course, your call is confidential.

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Contact Info
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Local 205
4818 E Ben White Blvd, Ste 204
Austin, TX 78741
  (512) 371-1217

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