Phone: (512) 371-1217
Know Your Rights
Updated On: Jun 07, 2024
If you are a stagehand or technician in a theater, shop or venue and don't work for a company that has a contract with Local 205, you probably aren't getting the most out of your work.

YOU can change that. You and your co-workers have a guaranteed right under Federal law to form a union. Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act states:

Employees shall have the right to self-organization, to form, join or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection...
These rights are afforded to all US workers - union members and non-members.  These include:
...talking with one or more co-workers about your wages and benefits or other working conditions, circulating a petition asking for better hours, participating in a concerted refusal to work in unsafe conditions, and joining with coworkers to talk directly to your employer, to a government agency, or to the media about problems in your workplace. Your employer cannot discharge, discipline, or threaten you for, or coercively question you about, this "protected concerted" activity...
Learn More About Your Rights At Work and Find Out What a Union Contract Could Do For You
Talk to an Organizer at 512-371-1217 ext. 205 or by e-mail.

We will respond as quickly as possible. And of course, your call is confidential.

Contact Info
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Local 205
4818 E Ben White Blvd, Ste 204
Austin, TX 78741
  (512) 371-1217

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